There comes a time in many of our lives when we feel the urge for a complete change, a new direction in our career path, sparking the process of changing career in Ireland. Maybe it’s the feeling of being stuck in our current job, yearning for a new challenge, or simply the desire to spend our waking hours doing something more fulfilling.

If you are contemplating a career change in Ireland, especially if you’re considering a switch from the tech industry sector or any other industry, this blog post is for you.

Common Questions About Changing Career in Ireland

  • What age is late to start a new career? In reality, there is no specific age that’s deemed ‘too late’ to start a career or make a career change. People of all ages have successfully transitioned to new industries and roles. It’s more about your willingness to learn, adapt, and take on new challenges, rather than the number of candles on your birthday cake.

  • How to change careers if you have no experience? The idea of a career change, especially one where you lack experience, can be daunting. However, it’s important to remember that many of your existing skills may be transferable. For instance, problem-solving, team leadership, writing, and creative thinking are valuable in a wide range of industries.

    Researching the new industry you’re interested in, networking with people in the field, and using resources like CareerHub for career guidance can provide further details and insights. Volunteering, taking short-term roles or courses relevant to the career change role can also be beneficial.

  • How to get started in a new career that I have no experience in? Starting a new career where you lack experience involves a process similar to the above. Identify your transferable skills, research, network, and leverage resources like Also, consider undertaking additional training, online courses or even going back to business school.

  • Is it easy to switch career paths? The ease of switching career paths can vary greatly depending on your current industry, the industry you’re moving into, and your personal circumstances. It’s worth noting that any career transition involves some level of risk and challenge.

    That said, many career changers find the journey rewarding and the benefits package – which includes improved job satisfaction and well-being – worth the effort.

  • How do I start a career change? Starting a career change involves several steps. First, identify why you want a change. Are you seeking a new challenge? Are you unhappy with your current role or sector? Next, consider what you’d like to do. What careers appeal to you?

The Journey of Career Transition: An Overview

Once you’ve identified potential new careers, research them thoroughly. Understand the skills needed, the realities of a full time job, and whether it’s a good fit for you. Tools like psychometric tests available on can be useful here.

When you’ve settled on a new career path, start building relevant skills and gaining experience. This might involve taking courses, attending workshops, or even shadowing someone in the role.

Translating Skills and Experiences to Your Career change

Finally, prepare for the transition. This might involve adjusting your CV to highlight relevant experience, preparing for different types of interviews, or even taking on a part-time or volunteer role in your new field to gain experience. Remember, changing careers in Ireland, or anywhere else, is a journey, not an event. It will likely involve challenges and risks, but also the potential for great reward. As the old saying goes, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. So why not take that step today? Visit and get the guidance and resources you need for your career transition. Every day is a chance to learn, grow, and pursue your full potential. So don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back. Instead, embrace it as an opportunity to explore new industries, develop new skills, and achieve personal and professional growth.

Leveraging Support Systems During Your Career Change in Ireland

Career changes can lead to a revitalisation of your professional life. They can provide fresh challenges, new teams to work with, and different problems to solve. As you venture into your career change, remember to leverage your past experiences. The knowledge and experience you’ve gained from your previous jobs can be invaluable in your new role. Consider seeking support from family, friends, and career guidance professionals. Engaging in career-focused discussions and seeking advice can help you progress and gain confidence. After all, if you change careers, you are not only about changing your job but also about changing your life. Consider joining career-focused groups or forums online, where you can interact with individuals who have successfully made career changes. Their advice and experiences could serve as examples and provide ideas to guide your journey.

The Importance of Self-Care During Career Change

In the midst of a career change, it’s easy to get so absorbed in the process that we neglect an essential component – self-care. Self-care plays a crucial role in managing stress, maintaining focus, and ensuring our well-being during such a significant life transition. Changing career in Ireland often involve a whirlwind of activities – researching new industries, acquiring new skills, networking, and perhaps even studying while holding down your day job. This flurry of activity can be both exhilarating and exhausting. It is essential to remember that caring for your physical, mental, and emotional health is just as important as updating your CV or preparing for interviews. Physical self-care can involve simple practices like regular exercise, a balanced diet, and ensuring you get adequate sleep. These can help you stay energised, increase your ability to focus and improve your overall mood. Mental and emotional self-care, on the other hand, may involve activities like meditation, journaling, or seeking support from a career coach. These practices can help you process emotions, manage stress, and maintain a positive mindset. Don’t forget to make time for relaxation and hobbies that you enjoy. Whether it’s reading, painting, spending time with family, or simply taking a long, peaceful walk, such activities can provide much-needed breaks and help rejuvenate your spirit. Self-care isn’t a luxury during a career change – it’s a necessity. By taking care of your well-being, you’ll be better equipped to navigate your career transition effectively, while also maintaining your happiness and peace of mind.

Patience and Persistence: Key to Successful Changing Career in Ireland

Transitioning to a new job is a journey filled with significant milestones and potential hurdles. It’s a process that requires a significant investment of time and energy, and it is crucial to approach it with patience and persistence. Patience is a vital attribute because changes of this magnitude rarely happen overnight. It takes time to research potential roles and industries, acquire new skills or training, and build networks in your desired field. There may be times when progress seems slow, and your goal appears distant. This is when patience becomes a valuable ally. It’s about understanding that the path to success is often long, filled with learning experiences and opportunities for growth. Equally important is persistence. The journey to a new career can be challenging, and there might be setbacks along the way. Job applications may be rejected, interviews may not go as planned, or the job market may be competitive. However, don’t let these obstacles discourage you. Persistence means not giving up in the face of these challenges. It involves continually striving for your goal, learning from your experiences, and remaining resilient despite setbacks. Furthermore, patience and persistence often go hand in hand. While patience reminds you that career transitions take time, persistence motivates you to keep pushing forward, irrespective of the challenges. Both attributes together form a powerful combination that can significantly enhance your chances of a successful career change. Remember, every step you take, no matter how small brings you closer to your new career. So, keep persevering and stay patient, because your career transition is a marathon, not a sprint.

Conclusion: Changing Career in Ireland, Embark on Your Journey

Making a career change is a significant decision that requires careful thought and planning. However, with the right resources like, a clear focus, and a strong determination, you can successfully navigate your career transition. So, take the plunge, the new challenge is waiting for you.

Remember, it’s never too late to pursue a career that brings you satisfaction and joy. Life is too short to spend so much of it in a job that doesn’t fulfil you. Start writing the next chapter of your professional journey today. And, as you embark on this exciting new path, remember that the only limit to your success is your own imagination.

Further reading

This link provides readers with a deeper understanding of the educational qualifications in Ireland, which might be especially helpful for those considering further education or training as part of their career change. National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)